If you’re itching to travel these days, we’ll be the first to say you’re not alone. Luckily, road trips are a popular travel choice because of their socially-distanced nature. Whether you’re planning a trip to the beach or a mountain resort, you’re not likely to come into close proximity to others, especially on your way there...in your car 😉
To make things a bit easier to plan, we’ve put together a road trip checklist of essentials to bring along to help you get ready to hit the road!
Mask (bring extras)
Let’s be honest, we’ve all walked out of our car at the grocery store and have done the walk of shame back to grab our mask that we forgot at home. When you’re on a road trip, it’s a good idea to bring along extras just in case you lose your go-to mask (it happens to the best of us).
On the topic of safety, let’s not forget to pack sanitizers. Although we might not get too close to many people, you’ll want to sanitize after that bathroom break at the not-so-sanitary truck stop or after receiving your curbside pick-up dinner.
Protein snacks
You’ll likely want to snack on something while on the road, and with all that traveling to be done, we suggest snacking on protein-packed foods to give you that extra fuel you need to keep trucking along. Bring the heat to the street with Chef’s Cut Jalapeño stick for a bit of portable spice and chef-crafted flavor.
First Aid Kit
To err on the side of caution, don’t forget to pack a first-aid kit with the essentials like extra water, adhesive bandages, a flashlight, and maybe those extra masks we talked about earlier. You can’t be too safe!
Road Trip Playlist
Lastly, don’t forget your road trip playlist! Plan your music and download it beforehand so that you don’t lose your tunes in a bad service area. We suggest catchy songs to jam out to!