Stick Spotlight: Jordan Hanger

Stick Spotlight: Jordan Hanger

This month, our Stick Spotlight meets BBQ! For June we’re featuring Jordan from the Chef’s Cut Crew and his “soulstick”: our BBQ chicken stick. Jordan is a barbecue enthusiast, sharing his love for all-things barbecue on his Instagram account. “Meat” Jordan at @ninjacue to get some “meat-ivation” for your next backyard BBQ.


Get to know JORDAN and what fuels his healthy lifestyle


What do you do to start your day off right? 

I try to go over in my mind what I have going on for the day and start with a positive mindset that I’m going to have a great day. Also coffee helps.

Why does the flavor of your "soulstick" speak to you?

It is meaty and packed with flavor and protein that is the perfect anytime snack!

What's one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?

Hard work beats talent every time.

Why would you recommend this stick/“soulstick” to your friend?

It has great flavor, is the perfect snack and made with natural ingredients!

How does Chef’s Cut fuel your lifestyle?

I’m always on the go so having these available is perfect. They taste great and give me energy throughout the day. With all the varieties to choose from there’s always something to satisfy my cravings!

shop Jordan's favorite meat stick

Smoked chicken is slow. You move fast. Chef’s Cut Real Snack Sticks™ Barbecue Chicken lets you dine and dash. Packed with protein, and crafted by a chef from real cuts of chicken and his secret recipe BBQ sauce, it’s fine cuisine that moves at your speed. No charcoal required.

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